Who was Mani Mukunda Sen?

ON MAGAR AND MUKUNDA SEN OF PALPA Dear Ranaji, Thanks for the information. You have got plenty of information on the history of Magars and the people of Nepal. I have been sending so many emails to my collegues here but I have received very few replies. May be it is...

The Khasa Kingdom

Indigenous Magar of Nepal: An Annotated Bibliography, Magar Studies Center, 2018: Adhikari, Surya, M. (1997). The Khasa Kingdom: A Trans Himalayan Empire of the Middle Age. Delhi: Nirala Publications [First edition 1988; revised edition 1997] Annotation by: Dr. Govind...

Gurkhas Who Won Victoria Cross (VC) Medal

The Victoria Cross (VC) is a military decoration that may be bestowed upon members of the British or Commonwealth armed forces for acts of valour or gallantry performed in the face of the enemy. Within the British honours system and those of many Commonwealth nations...

दशैँ, रामायण र किराँत

दशैँ, रामायण र किराँत प्रदीप नेपाल धर्म अफिम हो भनेर कार्लमाक्र्सले त्यसै भनेका होइन रहेछन् । धर्म भ्रम हो भन्ने सच्चाइप्रति म विश्वस्त छु । कुनै धर्म, देवदेवी या कुनै अमूर्त भगवानले संसार सृष्टि गरेका होइनन् । सृष्टिकर्ता ब्रह्मा, पालनकर्ता विष्णु, संहारकर्ता महादेव...

मगरहरू खस हुन् ।

हाम्रो इतिहासको आरम्भ हिमवत्खण्ड प्रदीप नेपाल नेपालमा आदिवासी र जनजातिबारे धेरै विवाद भयो । यो बहसको थालनी गर्ने आपूmलाई जनजातिको नेता भनाउनेहरू नै थिए । उनीहरू विद्वान थिए र अङ्ग्रेजी भाषामा दीक्षित पनि थिए । त्यसैले नेपालमा पनि संयुक्त राष्ट्रसङ्घ र ‘आर्टिकल’ १६९...