Sinjali, Bishnu Kumar (2016). Magar Sanskritima Maghya Sakarati. In, Journal of Indigenous Nationalities Vol. 15, No.7 SSN 2350-8973. Lalitpur: National Foundation for Developmentof Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN). pp. 82-90.
Annotation by: Pratibha Pun

In this article, general introduction of Maghe Sakarati (MagarNew Year) festival and historical and scientific aspects, cultural aspect,
ecological aspect are mentioned. The writer also has described aboutthe ritual and celebrating methods in Magar society and he also campare
with other ethnic groups who are celebrating Maghe sakarati festival.Furhtermore, he argues that, Maghya sakarati festival is constructed
by the indigenous people according to their understanding of science,ecology, production and consumption in the Magar culture.