अनादिवासी खस ! ~ सौरभ

अनादिवासी खस ! ~ सौरभ पाटो पहिलो काशी गोत्र र ल्हासा गोत्रमा राई-लिम्बु लगायत अनेक जातजातिले आफूलाई विभाजन गरेका छन् । तर यो काशी भारतको उत्तरप्रदेशको काशी होइन । बरु चिनियाँ भाषामा काशगरलाई गरिने सम्बोधन हो । काशगर पर्छ, काशमिरको ठीक उत्तरमा । यही काशगरमा चलन थियो,...

Who was Aramudi?

Was Aramudi a Magar? Need for Scholarly Researches through Magars’ LensSB PunJanuary 2015(Magh, 2071)Aramudi in Kalhan’s Rajatarangini: The Kashmiri historian, Kalhan, lived in the middle of the 12th century AD when the once powerful Kashmir Kings were very much on...

History of Magar

Bista, D. B. (1994). Fatalism and Development: Nepal’s Struggle for Modernization. Publisher: Orient Longman Limited, Calcutta 700072, [First published 1991 & Sixth impression 1994]. Annotation by: Dr. Govind Prasad Thapa in Indigenous Magar of Nepal: An Annotated...

Welcome to Magar Studies Center

Welcome to the Magar Studies Center! All human beings belong to a single species and are descended from a common stock. They are born equal in dignity and rights and all form an integral part of humanity. All individuals and groups have the right to be different, to...