मास्टर मित्रसेनका ४३ वटा पाण्डुलिपि

मास्टर मित्रसेनका ४३ वटा पाण्डुलिपि

मास्टर मित्रसेनका ४३ वटा पाण्डुलिपि सम्हालेर राखेका छौं : अध्यक्ष नेपाली भारत र नेपाल सरकारले छुट्टाछुट्टै मास्टर मित्रसेनको तस्बिर अंकित हुलाक टिकट प्रकाशित गरेका छन् https://ekantipur.com/news/2021/01/05/160983438919826947.html पुस २१, २०७७गणेश राई काठमाडौँ —...

Discourse on key issues

Nov 18, 2001 Dear friends, I have been receiving mails from many Magars, which have always been thought provoking. Although I don’t find time enough to ponder upon many issues of Magar Community, I find myself always attached to the impending threats and vast future...

प्रथम विश्वयुद्ध ताका जर्मनीमा बन्दि बनाइएका नेपाली सेनाका सिपाहीका अन्तर्वार्ता बारे….

Dear people from the Magar Study center 16 Oct 2006 My Name is Philip Scheffner. I am a filmmaker from Berlin, Germany. Right now I am working on a documentary film project with the title “The Halfmoon Files”. In this context I would like to ask you a question – but...

Magars in the History of Sikkim

Magars in the History of SikkimCourtesy: N.I.C. Gangtok, Sikkim.http://www.sikkim.nic.in/sws/sikk_his.htmEdited 4.27.2009Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Sikkim was inhabited in pre-historic times by three tribes namely Naong, Chang and the Mon. The Lepcha who entered Sikkim...
Diary of a Nepali soldier in France

Diary of a Nepali soldier in France

Writings and a khukri of an unknown World War I Gurkha soldier surface in Germany after 107 years Shree Bhakta Khanal November 28, 2020 Diary-of-a-Nepali-soldier-in-France-WWI-NT-longread-1 Books have been written about the legendary bravery and sacrifice of Nepal’s...