by Magar Studies Center | Mar 18, 2024 | History
WHERE ARE THE ANCESTRAL MAGARS FROM? A TOPONYMICAL STUDY OF CHINA, INDIA,SOUTHEAST ASIA AND NEPAL-Dhruba Adhikari For Download Click it Article received by courtesy of Dr. Govind Prasad Thapa ...
by magar | Dec 15, 2021 | Culture, Discourse, History, Language
An Introduction to China’s Monguor People Rachel Deason 16 June 2018 The Monguor are a relatively small ethnic minority in western China whose colorful traditions face extinction in the modern age. The Monguor, as the ethnic group is called by Western scholars, go by...
by magar | Oct 22, 2021 | History
Booker T. Washington, circa 1903(Courtesy Library of Congress, American Memory Project) By Santa Bahadur Pun Magar (September 2021, Ashwin 2078) Writer’s Note: This is a follow-up to a good article by Dr. PB Nepali of Kathmandu University on Booker T Washington that...
by magar | Oct 21, 2021 | Discourse, History
हिमवत खण्डमा गोर्खालीहरुको आगमनत्रिलोकसिंह थापा मगर२०७८ असोज २५ गते १०:५२ भारतको उत्तराखण्ड तथा हिमाञ्चल प्रदेशको विभिन्न भेगहरुमा विभिन्न समय, काल तथा चरणहरुमा गोर्खा राज्यको सीमा बिस्तारको क्रममा गोर्खा समुदायको आगमन भएको बुझिन्छ।...
by magar | Oct 13, 2021 | History
मित्रको डायरी (विजय हितानद्वारा उधृत ‘मास्टर मित्रसेन र उनका सिर्जना’ (पृष्ट ९३– १११) बाट) आफ्नो जीवनको धेरैजसो भाग देशी वा गोर्खाली जनताको सेवामा बिताएपछि १३ जुलाई १९४४ को दिन दाडी गाउँ, धर्मशाला (भाग्सू) जिल्ला, काँगडामा मैले आफ्नो बाँकी जीवन ‘गोर्खा सतसंग...
by magar | Jul 4, 2021 | Culture, History, Others, Politics
Byansi women Kathmandu and Delhi rarely realise this: the region divided politically by River Kali since 1816 is still connected by communities, shared cultures and trade. Shekhar Pathak Geography changes over millions of years but...