Mikesell, Stephen L., (1999). Class, State, and Struggle in Nepal
(Writings 1989-1995). Publisher: Kumar Jain for Manohar
Publisher and Distributors.
Annotation by: Dr. Govind Prasad Thapa

This book has five parts. Part I: Exegesis on method, part II: The democracy movement and its aftermath, part III: South Asia, Nepal and strategy following the people’s movement; Part IV: Bandipur Bazar, and part V: Critique of theory and practice in Nepal. In page 200 of this book, the writer gives a short detail about the composition of Shah’s army: “The Kiratas in the far west had long been subordinated to Rajput kings, and the segmentary states of the Magar and Gurung speaking peoples in the west-central region of Nepal were in large part already subordinated, with their communal, kin, religious and other institutions having lost their original content, persisting ultimately to serve landed property. Thus already subjugated and disciplined according to the needs of property-owning classes, the Magar and Gurung speaking peoples who resided in the area around Gorkha provided the core of the manpower to the Gorkha army (subsequently an important force in the army of British India).” This book unveils the feelings of people towards the state politics leading to struggle for their rights.