Molnar, Augusta (1981). The Kham Magar Women of Thabang.

Molnar, Augusta (1981). The Kham Magar Women of Thabang.
Publisher: Centre for Economic Development and Administration,
Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Annotation by: Dr. Govind Prasad Thapa

This book is in fact the report of the research carried out in the village Thabang on the status of Magar women. The research was conducted with the objectives of “Understanding the status of women in Kham Magar society and describe patterns of behavior that characterize the women of Thabang, the village that was the focus of research, it is also a study of the rich variation in women’s personalities and the role of circumstances in shaping individuals.” The status of women in Magar society has been shown in this monograph to be “complex and one that varies in different spheres of activity and from different perspectives.” This report is divided into seven chapters—chapter I is Introduction, chapter II Economic Status, chapter III Social Organization, chapter IV Legal Rights, chapter V Political Participation and chapter VI Health and Education and chapter VII Conclusion. At the end of the book, there are suggestion and recommendations for change. This work could be a good guide-book for social workers working in the field of women empowerment.


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